Ramblin’ Gypsy Ranch Females


PickPocket “LF Pockets Full of Gypsies to Pick”

Birthdate: February 28th, 2020
Rambler X "Bull Dozer"

Pick Pocket is an AKC registered Dark Gold Golden Retriever, who is super enthusiastic about everything in life. She brings loads of energy and smiles to our world, and the friendships she creates mean the absolute most to her. She loves to fetch, run and given the opportunity will kiss your entire face. Also known as Pocket. Pocket is an agile 70#. Her best friend is her younger sister, Uriah, although she thinks her boyfriend, Tramper, is pretty cool to hang out with as well. Her and Uriah’s biggest job on the farm is keeping the cats all in line and where they are suppose to be. Pocket has completed and passed her OFA for hips, elbows, heart, and eyes.

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Uriah “LF Victory to the Gypsy Queen”

Birthdate: October 8th, 2020
Rambler X "Victory Bear Blue"

Uriah is an AKC registered Light Gold Golden Retriever, who loves to be involved. She absolutely loves being the first to play fetch and races hard to get the ball/toy/dummy/whatever you throw before anyone else gets the chance. Wrestling around with her sisters is her next favorite activity, although spending time with family brings her great joy as well. Uriah is a sturdy 84#. Uriah has completed and passed her OFA for hips, elbows, heart, and eyes.


Rebel "LF Driftin Through Rocky Times"

Birth Date: July 10th, 2022
Drifter X Rocky

Rebel is an AKC registered English Cream (light gold) Golden Retriever. This 66# little stocky girl is one of a kind. She is adventurous and creative, with goals she sets for herself and is driven to complete, which brings her much pride. She absolutely loves being acknowledged as the good big dog she believes she is. Her striking looks are hard to ignore as she struts past. She has passed her OFA for Hips, Elbows and Heart, and ready to pass on her strong genes.


Hooligan "Rockin' with a Driftin' Gypsy"

Birth Date: September 14, 2023
Drifter X Rocky

Hooligan is an AKC registered English Cream (Light Gold) Golden Retriever. She is a fun loving girl who is thrilled to play with her sister, aunts and rest of the family. She loves to learn and takes full advantage of her snuggle times. She naturally has a very soft mouth as she picks up everything she finds to bring to you for inspection. In her down time she enjoys watching tv and playing with her toys as she lounges in her bed. We look forward to all the joy, love and laughter she will bring.

Rambler and Hooligan